新的核融合聚變反應堆震驚了整個行業!New Nuclear Fusion Reactor SHOCKS The Industry!

在受控和持續的聚變反應期間產生的能量數量已創下新的核聚變反應堆記錄。 英格蘭的一個科學家團隊在聯合歐洲環面或 JET 實驗中在 5 秒內產生了 59 兆焦耳的能量,震驚了整個行業。 他們是如何實現這一壯舉的? 這對行業和整個世界意味著什麼?

New nuclear fusion reactor record has been set for the quantity of energy generated during a controlled and sustained fusion reaction. A team of Scientists in England has shocked the entire industry with the creation of 59 megajoules of energy over five seconds at the Joint European Torus - or JET - experiment. How were they able to achieve this feat? What does this mean for the industry and the world at large?