將太陽放入瓶中:提供可持續聚變能的途徑 | 皇家學會
Putting the sun in a bottle: the path to delivering sustainable fusion power | The Royal Society
應對氣候變化的緊迫性只會不斷升級。 核聚變——為太陽提供能量的過程——提供了無碳、有效無限、持續電力的潛力,只要它可以在地球上得到利用。
2019 年皇家學會 Kavli 獎章和講座,由 Ian Chapman 教授頒發。
伊恩·查普曼教授和他的同事們正在努力使聚變能成為現實,隨著人類有史以來最大的科學實驗 ITER 的出現,他們希望在商業規模上展示聚變能。
英國作為聚變領域的世界領導者之一,正在著手設計緊湊型聚變反應堆,以效仿 ITER,旨在降低聚變發電的規模和成本,查普曼教授在他的獲獎演講中對此進行了解釋和探索。
在 JET 內部,目前世界上最大的聚變實驗。 信貸歐洲融合

The imperative to address climate change is only escalating. Nuclear fusion – the process that powers the Sun – offers the potential for carbon-free, effectively limitless, continuous electricity, if only it can be harnessed here on Earth.
The Royal Society Kavli Medal and Lecture 2019 given by Professor Ian Chapman.
Professor Ian Chapman and his colleagues are working to make fusion power a reality, and with the advent of ITER, the largest science experiment humankind has ever undertaken, they hope to demonstrate fusion power on a commercial scale.
The UK, as one of the world leaders in fusion, is embarking on the design of a compact fusion reactor to follow ITER which aims to drive down the scale and cost of fusion power, which Professor Chapman explained and explored during his prize lecture.
Background image: Inside JET, currently the world’s largest fusion experiment. Credit Eurofusion
IAE全球量子核融合 〔Quantum nuclear fusion〕產學中心
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Why The Sun Keeps Shining: Fusion and Quantum Tunnelling||為什麼太陽一直閃耀:聚變和量子