一個明星誕生了。 聚變前線發生了什麼,“夢想”能源|

日期:2022/09/16   IA

A Star is Born. What's Happening on the Front Lines of Fusion, the "Dream" Energy Source

在地球上創造一個人造“太陽”會是什麼感覺? 看似遙不可及的未來夢想,一個過於幻想而無法理解的項目,實際上已經在進行中。 它以聚變能量的形式出現——一種被視為解決我們當前所有能源和環境問題的方法的能量形式。

通過包括日本在內的各國的國際合作和協調,ITER(拉丁語中的“The Way”)和 JT-60SA(Super Advanced)等實驗反應堆已經在建設中。

聚變將是夢想成真,一種大規模的、本質上安全的、無碳的能源。 在這裡,我們前往這個“夢想”能源的前線,了解這些未來項目的細節。

What would it be like to create an artificial “sun” on Earth? What seems like a distant dream of the future, a project too fanciful to comprehend, is in fact already underway. It comes in the form of fusion power—a form of power that is being eyed as the solution to all of our current energy and environmental problems.

Experimental reactors such as ITER ("The Way" in Latin) and JT-60SA (Super Advanced) are already being built through international cooperation and coordination of various countries, including Japan.

Fusion would be a dream come true, a large-scale, inherently safe, carbon-free source of energy. Here, we head to the front lines of this “dream” energy source to find out the details of these futuristic projects.

A Star is Born. What's Happening on the Front Lines of Fusion, the "Dream" Energy Source


IAE全球量子核融合 〔Quantum nuclear fusion〕產學中心

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1.『全球核融合綠色永續基金』〔GGSF〕甄選ESG管理師 (↑詳細內容 敬請點入)


2.共融全球慈善經濟使命「全球綠色永續新能源基金」推動聯合國(U.N.)永續發展目標高階人才甄選  (↑詳細內容 敬請點入)


3.參與「量子核融合(Fusion)+數位國家寶藏幣(NATS)金融資產」模式共融聯合國(UN)ESG永續綠色地球目標!(僅20名種子導師名額)!  (↑詳細內容 敬請點入)


4.全球Top1核融合Fusion創新IP市場成果! 申請加入『甄選』IAE全球核融合Fusion產學研聯盟(亞洲首次)  (↑詳細內容 敬請點入)


5.亞洲獨一 『量子核融合Fusion(小太陽)』應用工程師(全球中高階儲備人才) 培訓養成班〔假日Free輔導〕 甄選20名線上報名開始!  (↑詳細內容 敬請點入)


Why The Sun Keeps Shining: Fusion and Quantum Tunnelling||為什麼太陽一直閃耀:聚變和量子